The eighth in an alphabetical series of blog posts: A-Z: An alphabetical journey through the doctoral experience.
Herrings score highly in the omega-3 fatty acids stakes, they're a sociable species and commercially valuable. But what of the proverbial red herring? Mercurial, darting down into the intellectual depths it tempts you with jewelled scarlet scales and its omega-3 overload. How can you not follow it? And you do, rejoicing, until familiar boundaries drop away and suddenly you're disorientated, directionless on the sea bed. Just as suddenly, the red herring is no more than a flash of scarlet ahead of you, disspating in the murky waters. Then it's gone altogether, leaving you thinking - how the heck did I get here?! Why have I spent the last fortnight thinking this was a productive use of my precious time?! What has this got to do with my theoretical framework?!